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Two Art Students Earn OVAC Awards

Two graduating seniors from Oklahoma State University earned Student Awards of Excellence from the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC). Randall Barnes and Megan Hughes each collected $500 rewards from the OVAC for their work. 

Guest curator James McAnally, director of The Luminary and editor of Temporary Art Review, commented that Barnes and Hughes stood out “due to their openness to risk and experimentation” in his blog entry at 

Hughes delivered a 20” x 30” photo of melting chocolate titled, “7,700 Calories.” McAnally wrote, “her work has a distinct lifespan, understanding how that limitation can make something ultimately more lasting.”

Barnes contributed a piece titled, “Dance With the Mantis,” which McAnally appreciated for its public aspect. He felt it “complicated and deepened his studio work.” 

You can read McAnally’s full assessment here: