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OSU Choruses to Offer Music From Spain

MUSICA DE ESPANA:  A Celebration of Choral Music set to Spanish poetry
The Oklahoma State University Chamber Choir and Concert Chorale will present music of Spain in a spring concert set for Thursday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seretean Center Concert Hall. 
“We invite everyone to join us for a spring tapestry of music of Spain and settings of Spanish poetry. We will feature the works of composers throughout the world, including Juan Gutierrez de Padilla and Tomas Luis de Victoria, all the way to contemporary American composers Stephen Paulus and Eric Whitacre, who have set Spanish poetry to music,” said Dr. Z. Randal Stroope, director of choral and vocal studies at OSU. 
The fast-paced and colorful program will feature the choir and choral, several percussionists, and Lydia Bechtel at the piano with Stroope conducting.
Tickets are $8 for general admission and $6 for students and senior citizens, and are available in 132 Seretean Center during business hours. The box office will also open one hour before the performance. All proceeds benefit the OSU Department of Music. For more information, phone (405) 744-8998.