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Abramson Named Boger Professor

Dr. Charles Abramson was recently named the Lawrence L. Boger Professor. A Regents Professor in Psychology, Abramson has earned international acclaim for his research in several areas.  

“I’ve always had an international focus and this was one way I could formalize it,” Abramson said. 

AbramsonWith 22 years of service at OSU, Abramson has worked with people from Russia, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, and Venezuela, among others.  He most recently led a group of students through Vienna and Prague over spring break and hopes the professorship opens up such trips to students who could not otherwise afford it. Sensing a void of international programs in Arts & Sciences, Abramson feels the professorship will immediately impact the college. 

A wealth of ideas – “I have a whole list of what I’d like to accomplish” – should help Abramson use the professorship to permanently expand the international focus in Arts & Sciences at OSU. A focus on creating a web presence as well as helping the students understand entrepreneurship and grant writing make up a healthy portion of his initiatives. 

As a broad stroke, Abramson intends the professorship to elevate his ability to teach.

“You rise up your standards,” Abramson said, “and I think this international endeavor will allow me to do that. I want to use the money to bring people here, to set up the programs, and to bring us over there.”

“I really look forward to this opportunity.” 


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